All tagged Waterfall

Gjáin, the Most Mystical Place in Iceland

Find Your Foss

We were unsure of what we stumbled upon, but there was an interesting stone staircase compelling us to explore. Looking down from where we parked it was difficult to take the entire scene in, but as the staircase curved down the hill it revealed the most mystical and magical place I’ve ever seen.

Why it's Worth Hiking to Glymur in Iceland

Robert Frost Knew a Thing or Two About Roads

Until recently, Glymur stood as Iceland’s largest waterfall, knocked from its long reign by Morsárfoss, an outlet glacier of Vatnajökull revealed by the melting of Morsárjökull. Aside from being difficult for English speakers to pronounce, this discovery is a testament to Iceland’s forever changing landscape, and to exploring the road less traveled.